Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc
Photo culinaire par Thomas Bosc


Case study
Bim is an iOS and Android mobile app that allows you to discover and instantly book the best restaurants in Paris, even last minute.
Mockup - iPhone XL'application mobile Bim
Mockup - iPhone XL'application mobile Bim
Mockup - iPhone XL'application mobile Bim
Mockup - iPhone XL'application mobile Bim
Mockup - iPhone XL'application mobile Bim
I first joined Bim as a Social Media Manager before naturally evolving toward the more complete role of Content Manager.
When I joined the company, Bim had the ambition to launch a new online media centred around culinary arts. The goal was to create a modern, quality-first media, independent of Bim's main app, but keeping in mind all potential synergies between the two.

My colleague and chief editor, Albéric Davet and I formed a two-man army, and we slowly started to build the structure of what was going to become fundamental to Bim's communication strategy :

Bim Magazine
was born

Page d'accueil mobile du site bim-magazine.comPage d'accueil mobile du site
Page d'accueil du site bim-magazine.comPage d'accueil du site

Content > UI

Elegant design, black & white UI, one-page with infinite loading for each section...

I created this whole design with a simple idea in mind: the interface's purpose is to showcase the content, not the other way around.
Aperçu de page d'accueil 1 - Bim Magazine Aperçu de page d'accueil 2 - Bim Magazine Aperçu de page d'accueil 3 - Bim Magazine
Page d'accueil 1 - Bim MagazinePage d'accueil 1 - Bim Magazine
Page d'accueil 2 - Bim MagazinePage d'accueil 2 - Bim Magazine
Page d'accueil 3 - Bim MagazinePage d'accueil 3 - Bim Magazine


Between Bim's app users and more than 60% of our readers on mobile, it was crucial to have a design that was completely responsive.

Everything was made to simplify the mobile experience, like the menu going at the bottom of the screen for easier interaction.

Viande in-vitro :
la fin de la vraie viande ?

Alternative éthique à l’élevage industriel, la viande produite in vitro à partir de cellules souches est pour beaucoup une piste séduisante.
Un avant-goût de l’assiette du futur ?

L’administration américaine a dévoilé vendredi 16 novembre un cadre réglementaire ouvrant la voie à la commercialisation d’aliments conçus en laboratoire à partir de cellules animales, dès qu’ils seront disponibles sur le marché. Ces dernières années, plusieurs startups se sont notamment lancées dans l’élaboration de viande artificielle.
Viande in-vitro - Bim MagazineViande in-vitro - Bim Magazine
Recherche - Menu Bim Magazine
Menu - Menu Bim Magazine
Recherche - Menu Bim Magazine
Menu - Menu Bim Magazine


The menu becomes a social sharing zone when you scroll within articles. Social sharing not only to the classic social networks, but also to private messaging apps, which perfectly fits our kind of content.

The content never exclusively lives on the website or on our social media pages. Everything is always connected and integrated to boost interaction and engagement.


I designed and developed the whole website by myself, so I had to create templates of different formats that are simple, clean, and easy to use and modify by our redaction team. This is why I went with a WordPress CMS system for this project.
Speaking of templates, I made A LOT of them!
From a rethought classic "recipe" page, to a page specifically made for influencers, to interviews... 
Here's a little preview:
Recette - Bim MagazineRecette - Bim Magazine Article - Bim MagazineArticle - Bim Magazine Escapade - Bim MagazineEscapade - Bim Magazine Interview - Bim MagazineInterview - Bim Magazine DĂ©couverte - Bim MagazineDĂ©couverte - Bim Magazine Evenements - Bim MagazineEvenements - Bim Magazine Influenceur - Bim MagazineInfluenceur - Bim Magazine









The website now up and running, the only missing piece of the puzzle was a solid and reliable content strategy to feed it!

As the sole content manager and creator at Bim, I had to be able to quickly and efficiently produce content tailored for all our platforms.

to content

Here's an example of my workflow. A two-hour shooting with a chef making a recipe and everything it involved in the following days :







Stories - BTS Shooting
Stories - Recipe video teaser
Stories - Recipe
Recipe video - Sorting rushes
Recipe video - Editing
Recipe video - Post-prod
Post - Recipe video
Photo - Sorting and editing
Post - Edited photos
Post - Recipe web page


Live - BTS Shooting
Stories - BTS Shooting
Stories - Recipe video teaser
Stories - Recipe
Photo - Sorting and editing
Post - Edited photos
Post - Edited photos
Post - Recipe video

Bim Magazine

Sound - Transcript
Web page - Editorialisation
Homepage - Editorialisation
Web page - Design
Web page - Developement
Web page - Publish
This job of transforming a raw experience, like a shooting with a chef, into myriad of content tailored for each platform was the core part of my Content Manager role at Bim.

Shooting and producing most of my content in portrait obviously helped. 4:5 aspect ratio for social media feeds, 9:16 for stories... Everything was easily modifiable and looked professional.

The Era of

C'est quoi

une bonne

pizza ?
musique : lakey inspired - Golden Hour
With Facebook accounting for the huge majority of our audience, and just like 99% of online media in 2018, we made video a core element of our content strategy on social networks.

Thanks to Bim, we had access to dozens of chefs and restaurants in Paris, so we were obviously not struggling to find content ideas! But once again, I was the only one producing it: shooting, recording, editing, motion design... If I wanted to be efficient at video creation, I had to be well prepared.

Graziella Buentempo

Meilleure Pizza Le Fooding 2018

On ne fera jamais

de pizza Ă  l'ananas !

fior di latte
tomates jaunes
Following the same core principles as when I designed Bim Magazine, I extended its visual identity to videos through dozens of motion design templates I created to cover all possible scenarios!

The whole process of making a video was now very efficient, as it allowed us to cover hot topics very quickly, yet with quality production value.
Florent Ladeyn
Taku Sekine
Cyril Lignac
Anne-sophie pic
SĂ©bastien bras

Moi j'aime le piment d'Espelette !

La cuisine de demain,

C'est bien croquant.

elle est déjà là !






We also signed an exclusive partnership with Brut, the leading social media video-centred news media in Europe. We were coworking on videos angled on society, consumption, trends, ecology, and whatnot.

Video very quickly became our number-one community growth factor.


Videos, photos, articles, investigations, events, news, brand content, contests, foodporn... We were covering everything!

This richness and variety of content was fully reflected on Bim Magazine and in our social media feeds.

Here's a preview:

The evolution of
Bim Magazine

+286% LIKES

On Bim's Facebook page.
67,000 when I arrived.
193,000 when I left.

3 Million video views

Total of all videos published by Bim on Facebook.

90,000 readers

Per month on Bim Magazine's website, with an average bounce rate of 61% on articles.

+400% followers

On Instagram @Bim.
3,000 when I arrived.
12,000 when I left.

Let's keep going?

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